![]() 商华:黄锐个展 2009-5-23 - 2009-6-22 |
中国当代画廊很高兴地宣布即将推出黄锐个展《Comerchina》。2009年5月23日至6月22日,位于北京798艺术区的中国当代画廊将呈现该艺术家的一批多媒体作品。开幕式为5月23日下午3点,艺术家本人也将出席。随展还印有一本画册。 |
![]() 群展 2009-2-28 - 2009-3-21 |
Chinese Contemporary Beijing is pleased to announce Expressions: Group Show, including works by artists Fu Lei, Han Yajuan, the Luo Brothers, Mao Yan, Wang Ke and Zhou Nan. The exhibition will run from February 28 – March 21, 2009. The work in Expressions consists of sculpture, works on paper and canvas paintings by a stylistically wide range of artists who look to understand and communicate both the contemporary Chinese experience and the universality of human emotions. Regardless of the background of the artists or the composition of their work, the representation of the figures in each artwork lends voice to the artist’s fascination with and desire to convey expression...更多>>>> |
![]() 看这里! 2008-12-20 - 2009-2-13 |
中国当代画廊将于12月20日举办群展《看这里!》,这是本年度最后一个展览,参展艺术家包括黄锐,卢昊,薛松,盛奇,吴俊勇,张大力。展览将于12月20日下午三点正式开幕。 展览将陈列十四件作品。六位艺术家用他们独到的眼光,观察着中国当代社会的生存状态,而他们表现的材料都与纸张有关系。 每一位艺术家选择的主题都是他们非常关注的,他们用自己的方式处理并表现着这一切。黄锐的作品,以版画的表现形式,来表达自己对《毛泽东选集》的理解。张大力用图标式的AK-47 ,卢昊则在纸上用线条绘出北京城的标志性建筑,并用花鸟鱼虫活化他的主题。吴俊勇灵巧的用水彩表达着他看待政府官员的生活百态。薛松用杂志,报纸等材料,运用多媒体拼贴的手段,传达着他的...更多>>>> |
![]() 朱冥个人展 2008-10-18 - 2008-11-26 |
中国当代艺术画廊很高兴向您发布朱冥的个人展展讯。展品包括摄影,雕塑,油画。展览将定于2008年10月18日至11月26日。地点位于北京798艺术区的中国当代艺术画廊。预展于2008年10月18日,届时艺术家本人会到场。 作为著名的东村艺术家中的一员,朱冥被认为是90年代初的行为艺术的发起者,他打破了中国传统对、裸体的艺术使用的禁忌。在早年的艺术创作中被排挤甚至被关押,朱冥将他裸露的身体放置在形体各异的圆形气球当中, “发光人” 暗示了人类的生存是脆弱的,最终是孤单的。“泡泡系列” 展示了中国传统对“气”的概念,同时暗示了生命的暂时性。出于艺术要求,艺术家将自己放置在肥皂泡沫中,或者在塑料气球中。经常,这些艺术要求对他的身体是一种挑战。. . . 更多>>>> |
![]() 与流行无关 2008-8-30 - 2008-10-15 |
中国当代画廊很荣幸地向大家发布艺术家赵波个展的消息。艺术家准备了15幅油画作品,将于2008年8月30日-10月15日在位于798工厂内的中国当代画廊展出。与此次展览相配备的画册也已印刷,届时,艺术家本人将会到场。 赵波毕业于四川美术学院,作为“新现实主义”的一份子,赵波展示了他对传统现实主义在当代艺术范畴内的解释,所针对的对象是现今的城市,不同于早期带有政治含义的先锋派艺术。新现实主义艺术成长在政治相对稳定的时代,但问题还是有的,那就是将历史与霓虹灯辐照下的大好未来相结合。赵波的作品由雄浑的颜色与人物的肖像画相接而成,展现了当下消费主义带给原先人民公社式社会环境的变化。赵波于70年代出生,生长在一个将中西方文化合璧-中山装与Gucci, 四合院与摩天大楼的时代.. . . 更多>>>> |
![]() 八月群展 2008-8-1 - 2008-8-27 |
Chinese Contemporary Gallery is pleased to announce its August Group Show 2008 at its Beijing space in Factory 798 featuring works by the artists Huang Rui, Liu Ye, Ma Liuming, Shi Guorui, Wu Junyong, Xue Song, Zhang Dali, Zhou Chunya and Zhu Ming. 更多>>>> |
![]() 你得听我的 2008-6-28 - 2008-7-30 |
中国当代画廊将举办“王可个展-你要听我的”。展览时间为2008年6月28日至2008年7月30日。开幕式为:2008年6月28,下午3:00点。届时艺术家将出席开幕式,欢迎大家踊跃参加! 王可毕业于中国美术学院,她是卡通一代中最具有才华的一员。王可选择在大尺寸的画布上画出别具风格的卡通形象,她认为这些卡通形象以拟人的风格再现了自己的神情。卡通是她自我反思的媒介,艺术家的创作题材是最具个人主义色彩的。对于她的创作,王可说“每天我都对自己进行严格的自我评价;我似乎每天都在画我自己”。 王可是在中国实行. . . 更多>>>> |
![]() 群展 2008-5-1 - 2008-6-15 |
Chinese Contemporary is pleased to show works by the artists Huang Rui, Shi Guorui, Wu Junyong, Xue Song, and Zhou Chunya. 更多>>>> |
![]() 群展 2008-3-1 - 2008-4-15 |
For its first Group Show in the Year of the Rat Chinese Contemporary is pleased to show works by the artists Zhang Dali, Lin Tianmiao, the Luo Brothers, Xue Song, Huang Yan, Wu Junyong, Li Li and Shi Guorui. With these artists’ broad range of mediums and methods, Chinese Contemporary looks to greet the New Year with a fresh look at the dynamism and breadth of China’s contemporary art. Zhang Dali’s emotionally charged AK-47 portraits of migrant workers overlaid with the words AK-47 aim to give voice to the masses of Chinese... 更多>>>> |
![]() 离奇知觉 2007-12-1 - 2007-2-28 |
Chinese Contemporary is pleased to announce the opening of Uncanny Perceptions, a solo exhibition for camera obscura photographer Shi Guorui. Following successful solo shows at the de Young Foundation in San Francisco and at the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art, Chinese Contemporary is giving the artist simultaneous solo exhibitions in their Beijing and New York galleries. The exhibition is comprised of new camera obscura works completed in Shenzhen, Beijing, San Francisco and Shanghai, which highlight the artist’s mastery of technique. The exhibition runs from 1 December 2007 – 28 February 2008 in both Beijing and New York. A catalogue highlighting the artist’s new and old works will also be produced. Since his transformation of a watchtower on the Great Wall of China into a pin-hole camera in 2004, Shi Guorui has continuously produced richly detailed photographs of landscapes and cityscapes...更多>>>> |
![]() 大脸 2007-10-28 - 2007-11-28 |
Chinese Contemporary is pleased announce the opening of Big Face, an exhibition of new works by Wang Ke. This exhibition is the first solo show for the artist and runs from 28 October to 28 November at Chinese Contemporary, Beijing. A short catalogue of the artist’s work has been produced in conjunction with the exhibition. A recent graduate from the China Academy of Fine Art in Hangzhou, Wang Ke is one of the most promising young voices to emerge from the academy. The artist’s canvases are dominated by large, cartoonish heads...更多>>>> |
![]() 个人时代 2007-9-1 - 2007-10-14 |
Chinese Contemporary Gallery is pleased to present new works by Huang Rui and Zhang Dali in its September/October 2007 exhibition, Individual Eras. Works in this exhibition grapple with the concept of how the individual functions within different socio-political eras as well as how the individual as artist, intellectual, friend and citizen responds and functions within the limitations of and the parameters set by the state. Huang Rui is an artist whose works often touch upon politically sensitive and deeply unsettling political realities within contemporary China. In particular, the artist is fascinated by the ways in which thought, once turned into written text, can be manipulated by individuals, institutions and governments...更多>>>> |
![]() 张晓刚个展 2007-9-22 - 2008-1-13 |
Chinese Contemporary and the Sara Hilden Art Museum of Tampere, Finland are pleased to announce the opening of Zhang Xiaogang. This exhibition is the artist's first solo exhibition in a public European museum and is a result of the efforts of the artist, of the gallery and of Sara Hilden's curatorial staff. New and old works will be shown...更多>>>> |
![]() 夏季群展 2007-7-5 - 2007-7-30 |
For its Gallery Artists Summer Exhibition, Chinese Contemporary is pleased to show works by Huang Rui, Huang Yan, Wu Jianjun, Xue Song, Zhao Bo and Zhang Dali. Huang Rui’s work, China/Chai-na, discusses the destruction and demolition of old China in the face of the country’s rapid modernization. China/Chai-na is a clever play the homonym of the country’s English name, China, and the Chinese words for “destroy there,” or “chai-na.” Zhao Bo’s work, Our Happy Life, captures the spontaneity, energy and chaos of contemporary Chinese cities. In his cityscapes, he simultaneously... 更多>>>> |
![]() 朱冥个展 2007-4-28 - 2007-6-30 |
Zhu Ming is one the most important performance artists of the avant-garde. From his first appearance in the seminal group work by Beijing East Village artists, “To Add a Meter to an Anonymous Mountain,” Zhu Ming has created performance works that leave an indelible impression upon the viewer and have left a deep impression upon the landscape of Chinese contemporary art. Whether seen in the flesh or in photographs, Zhu Ming’s performances, through his raw display of his naked body, are controversial works that call attention to the vulnerability and aloneness of all humankind. During the first decade of his performances, his works were banned from public display in Mainland China because it was believed that Zhu Ming’s works were polluting to the general public. As a result, the majority of his performances from the Bubble and Luminescent Man series were performed abroad. |
![]() 春季群展 2007-3-17 - 2007-4-22 |
For its Gallery Artists Spring Exhibition, Chinese Contemporary is pleased to show works by Chen Wenbo, Chang Qing, Shi Guorui, Xue Song, Wu Junyong and Zhang Jianqiang. With this exhibition, Chinese Contemporary highlights the work of established artists and the works of younger artists such Zhang Jianqiang and Wu Junyong. A broad spectrum of mediums provides an engaging perspective into contemporary Chinese art... 更多>>>> |
![]() 叠拼 2006-12-30 - 2007-02-28 |
Beijing emergence as a global city has given rise to some of China's boldest architecture and most innovative advertising. In Collage, Chinese Contemporary Gallery will show the works of four of Beijing's most prominent architects and advertisers, Ma Yongsong, Wang Yonggang, Yang Haihua and Zhou Rong. Ma Yongsong, best known for his design of the Absolute Tower in Mississauga, Canada, has created a rainbow for this exhibition. With this rainbow, he hopes to reunite urbanism, technology and human emotion. Wang Yonggang's work, New Taihu Stone, boldly redesigns the Taihu stone and addresses the ways in which modern architecture structurally redefines... 个展>>>> |
![]() 十周年展 2006-09-30 - 2006-11-30 |
Chinese Contemporary gallery is celebrating ten years of championing the Chinese avant garde with a special exhibition in their Beijing gallery at Factory 798. In 1996 Chinese Contemporary opened in London and was the first gallery in the West devoted solely to contemporary Chinese art from artists living and working in China. Most of the works have been specially made for this anniversary exhibition and never seen before.
Hong Hao, renowned for his "My Things" photos of collections of thousands of objects, has created a special work, "Chinese Contemporary 10 Years". This photograph is made of a multitude of objects from the life of the gallery over the past ten years: exhibition announcements, images of the artists at the openings of various public and private exhibitions, great press moments for the Chinese artists, passes to the art fairs that have helped to make their names etc. It is a portrait of the gallery but more importantly a portrait of ten years of contemporary Chinese art. ... 更多>>>> |
![]() 吴俊勇个展 2006-07-20 - 2006-09-23 |
Wu Junyong's animation DVD works are the most exciting creations to come from the younger generation of contemporary Chinese artists. The combination of image, sound and text combine to give a pulsating vision of newly rich, urban Chinese society. Just as the great contemporary painters of the previous generation of the Chinese avant garde captured the zeitgeist of China in the 1990s, Wu Junyong captures it of wealthy China in 2005/06.
Wait Us Rich, 2005, the artist's first work available for acquisition by collectors, is a young man's take on nouveau riche society. The artist conveys that world's excesses, energy, brashness and power. The images that make up the DVD in themselves are sufficient to portray the desires of new money but the combination with music, voice and text quadruples the power of the message. Just as this newly wealthy society with its great capacity for acquisition is aggressively continuing to push forward, grow and succeed at the fastest possible rate, the multimedia nature of...更多>>>> |
![]() Chairman Mao 10,000 RMB 2006-04-08 - 2006-05-21 |
Chinese Contemporary in Beijing and 10 Chancery Lane Gallery in Hong Kong are pleased to present the works of Huang Rui in two simultaneous solo shows featuring top works from the past fourteen years of his career."Chairman Mao 10,000 RMB"is Huang Rui's first solo show in Mainland China, and presents an important opportunity to view firsthand a survey of works by one of China's most influential contemporary art figures. An original founder of the avant-garde art Stars in 1979 and now vocal advocate for the 798 Art District, Huang Rui is an artist whose works avoids easy taxonomy. Over the years his works have taken on many forms. Most of them are characterized by a spirit of rebelliousness and an interest in exploring how the human condition faces up to the impenetrable walls of authority. The works on view in "Chairman Mao 10,000 RMB" speak to China's modern leadership in transition and the paradoxes posed by the ideological collision between socialism and capitalism up to the present day. ... 更多>>>> |
![]() 替换 2006-03-04 - 2006-03-31 | Featuring paintings and works on paper, RePlacement explores various approaches to personal historiography and notions of the past. The works by five young artists, Hu Xiaoyuan, Peter Gerakaris, Li Li, Mike Lowery, and Qiu Xiaofei, question the fixity of memories and the logic of time through comedic, fantastic, and bittersweet renditions of reality. These works invite us to experience the artists' very private and personal memories, which are treated with a consideration that reflects a simultaneous desire to preserve and linger in the past, as well as an urge to reinterpret, challenge, and subvert the power of what came before.
For Harbin native Hu Xiaoyuan, the everyday is significant. Her training in design at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing is evident in the Spots series, Pointillist depictions of transport vehicles, sexual anatomy, machine guns, and cute animals that resemble color-blindness tests administered at a doctor's office. . ... 更多>>>> |
![]() 魏东个展 2005-10-29 - 2006-01-15 |
While a great number of artists work in the Chinese traditional media of ink and colour on paper, none have taken it into the realm of the avant garde as has Wei Dong. Most painters of the avant garde turned to oil or acrylic on canvas, leaving behind their country's traditional technique. They had great respect for tradition but it was not for them. Artists still working in chinese ink and colour on paper, for the most part, remained outside the avant garde and continued the tradition of emulating old masters. Wei Dong explores through painting the space where heritage and modernity coexist. His works set up a dialogue, present a confrontation and explode a good number of conventions. In a disruption of tradition Wei Dong has taken this male dominated domain and subjected it to domination by women. Traditional Chinese landscape, created by male artists, containing male figures and for the male gaze, finds itself in Wei Dong's works as the backdrop...更多>>>> |
![]() 从景德镇到PVC 2005-07-22 - 2005-09-30 | Sculptors in China have not traditionally held a place of high esteem. Magnificent sculptures have been made to adorn temples, burial sites, public places and buildings but rarely has the name of the creator been remembered. Sculpture was regarded closer to craft than a fine art because it involved manual skills, unlike the intellectual and rarefied nature of calligraphy or brush painting. Although sculptures were readily seen and appreciated, those who created the works remained anonymous. When the first western style art academies opened in China in the early twentieth century and artists returned after studies in European art academies, the idea that sculpture could be other than a craft, a fine art in fact, was more readily accepted. The advent of Socialist Realism after 1949 monopolized the development of sculpture for a few decades. Socialist Realism was championed as the only style befitting the public art of the communist revolution. With the greater exchange of ideas in China in the 1980s and 1990s and the flourishing of individual approaches to creation, artists have brought their own thoughts to sculpture as they have to all the fine arts. The result has been....更多>>>> |
![]() 蓝顶艺术家 2005-05-03 - 2005-07-31 |
For its spring 2005 exhibition Chinese Contemporary presented Blue House Artists, a group show centered on the works of five Sichuan based artists: Chen Qiulin, Wu Jianjun, Zhao Nengzhi, Zhou Chunya and Guo Wei, The Blue House in the title refers to the color of the roof of an old factory compound located on the outskirts of Chengdu the artists have converted into their studios and where they have been working and living since 2002. Since?its renovation the Blue House has become far more than a place to work: it has become an art community, a shelter for people sharing the same life style and pursuing the same goals, as well as a colony where the artworks themselves act as a platform for dialogue and confrontation among artists working with different media. The present exhibition is aimed at catching a glimpse of the vibrant atmosphere the artists ...更多>> |
![]() 开幕展 2004-09-25 - 2004-12-31 |
Lu Hao's constructions, usually in plexiglass, take a new look at tradition, examining why we accept certain rituals, habits, buildings and developments. Reduced scale reconstructions of iconic buildings presented as bird cages, cricket houses, fish bowls or flower pots; a 9 square meter model of China's drastically redesigned capital city; an installation of plastic lotus flowers and traditional houses - all force the viewer to reflect anew on complex social rituals and iconic constructions and places. The lotus flowers of this work were created with the Chinese grave sweeping day in mind. With the small traditional courtyard houses inside the flowers it is a homage to the now destroyed old neighborhoods of Beijing. Zhu Ming's performance works involve a considerable degree of stress to the individual's (artist's) body. In some of his performances he fluoresces green due to a chemical he paints on his body. In others he is protected by only by his balloon from the dangers of a major body of water (South China Sea). He constantly explores the zones where protection and restriction or vulnerability and independence intermingle. Some works involve the use of Chinese ink, the symbol of literati culture, and can be taken as a reference to tradition and revolution depending on which era one thinks of... 更多>> |